How to Say “I” in Hindi

Believe it or not how to say “I” in Hindi isn’t as straightforward as that. There are actually two ways to say “I”. Since I teach kids from age 3-17, I have come up with ways to explain this (or not explain it quite yet to my youngest students). I grew up in a Hindi-speakingContinue reading “How to Say “I” in Hindi”

Blue Whales and Hindi

Welcome! Today we are going to learn all about blue whales and Hindi! That means while we learn about blue whales, we are also going to build our Hindi vocabulary! So we’ll learn about science, this majestic animal, ALL while learning Hindi at the same time! Inside: Facts about Neeli Vhel’s Hindi Vocabulary Hindi PronunciationContinue reading “Blue Whales and Hindi”

Hindi Animal Spotlight: Ulloo

Owl in Hindi is ulloo. In this article we are going to have a Hindi animal lesson: ulloo. We will learn about owls and simultaneously learn some new Hindi words. The Hindi words are in parentheses and you’ll find all of the new Hindi vocabulary at the end of article for you to review. ToContinue reading “Hindi Animal Spotlight: Ulloo”